Aurore Dupuy

CRCI2NA, Nantes
A spatially resolved single-cell atlas of the breast across the reproductive cycle reveals immune features of epithelial remodeling.
Dernières annonces de postes
CFCD Meeting : Development, metabolism and function of dendritic cells and macrophages in health and disease
CFCD (French DC Society) meeting - December 7- 8 2023 in Bordeaux, France Register on the CFCD Website Abstracts for poster presentation are accepted until October 23rd 2023. Deadline early registration fee: October 30th 2023 Continue reading→
SEMINAR CR2TI – Nantes : Julie HELFT – Macrophages and T cell immunity in tumors
SEMINAR : Dr Julie HELFT Macrophages and T cell immunity in tumors Mardi 11 Juillet 2023 à 11H Salle Jean Monnet - CR2TI UMR1064 CHU Nantes - Hôtel Dieu Continue reading→