Aurore Dupuy

CRCI2NA, Nantes
A spatially resolved single-cell atlas of the breast across the reproductive cycle reveals immune features of epithelial remodeling.
Dernières annonces de postes
7ème symposium SOMM à Nantes & journée scientifique du Club Macrophage
Le 7ème symposium SOMM a eu lieu le mardi 08 octobre 2024 à Nantes Université. Cette journée a réuni plus de 70 participants provenant des laboratoires du Grand Ouest mais également des laboratoires extérieurs (Montpellier, Bordeaux, Paris, Besançon, Lyon). Le programme incluait 4 sessions : “Myeloid cells and Metabolism”, “Role of Myeloid cells in disease”, “Myeloid cells and infection” and “Myeloid cells in Inflammation and Resolution”. Continue reading→
6e symposium du réseau Monocytes-Macrophages (SoMM2023)
Paris, France, on November 24th, 2023. This event is organized by the Macrophage Club Îles-de-France (MCI), with support from the National Macrophage Club Community (MaCRO), with the goal of bringing together experts in France working on the biology of monocytes and macrophages. During this intensive one-day meeting, both junior and senior researchers from academia will present cutting-edge research on monocyte/macrophage biology and their involvement in development, identity, brain function, inflammation, and diseases. Continue reading→