Actualités scientifiques
7ème symposium SOMM à Nantes & journée scientifique du Club Macrophage

7ème symposium SOMM
Mardi 8 octobre 2024 à Nantes Université

6e symposium du réseau Monocytes-Macrophages (SoMM2023)
CFCD Meeting : Development, metabolism and function of dendritic cells and macrophages in health and disease
CFCD (French DC Society) meeting - December 7- 8 2023 in Bordeaux, France
Development, metabolism and function of dendritic cells and macrophages in health and disease
Preliminary Program:here
7th to 8th December 2023
Register on the CFCD Website
Abstracts for poster presentation are accepted until October 23rd 2023.
Deadline early registration fee: October 30th 2023
SEMINAR CR2TI – Nantes : Julie HELFT – Macrophages and T cell immunity in tumors
Dr Julie HELFT Macrophages and T cell immunity in tumors
Mardi 11 Juillet 2023 à 11H,
Salle Jean Monnet - CR2TI UMR1064
CHU Nantes - Hôtel Dieu
Dr Julie HELFT, Université de Paris - Inserm U1016 - Cnrs UMR8104 - Institut Cochin - Equipe "Phagocytes et Immunologie des Cancers" Titre : “Macrophages and T cell immunity in tumors”. Invitée par le Dr Jérôme Martin
Julie Helft is an INSERM researcher leading the "Phagocytes and Cancer Immunology lab" at Institut Cochin. Her career has been dedicated to decipher how mononuclear phagocytes regulate adaptive immunity. During her PhD (France) and post-doctoral trainings (US and UK), she studied the interactions between T cells and dendritic cells and dendritic cell ontogeny. In 2017, she started a research group at Institut Curie, working on macrophage biology in breast tumors. In 2020, she started her own lab at Institut Cochin which focuses on understanding the role of macrophages in regulating CD8+ T cell infiltration in tumors and on developing new immunotherapies targeting macrophage subsets
Congrès EMDS 2023
VIB is pleased to invite you to the second edition of “Macrophage Biology in the Single-Cell Era" which will be held in conjunction with the European Macrophage and Dendritic cell Society (EMDS) meeting. EMDS2023@VIB which will take place on 18-20 October 2023 in Ghent, Belgium.
This conference will focus on multiple aspects of Dendritic cell and Macrophage biology in health and disease. More than 20 world leaders from academia and industry will present their latest insights in sessions focusing on:
- Ontogeny and Transcriptional control of DCs and Macs
- DC & Mac Heterogeneity
- Macs & DCs in injured tissue, mucosal tissues, and cancer
If you want a complete overview of what's happening now in these exciting fields, join your colleagues at EMDS2023.
Upcoming deadlines
- 15 August 2023: Abstract deadline
- 5 September 2023: Early bird deadline
- Ido Amit - Weizmann Institute of Science, IL
- Maria Casanova - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, ES
- Ana-Maria Dumenil - Institut Curie, FR
- Florent Ginhoux - Gustave Roussy Hospital, FR
- Christopher Glass - University of California, San Diego, US
- Martin Guilliams - VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, BE
- Soyon Hong - UK Dementia Research Institute at University College London, UK
- Steffen Jung - Weizmann Institute of Science, IL
- Max Krummel - University of California San Francisco, US
- Paul Kubes - University of Calgary, CA
- Bart Lambrecht - VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, BE
- Elvira Mass - University of Bonn, DE
- Hind Medyouf - Georg Spayer Haus, DE
- Miriam Merad - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, US
- Kenneth Murphy - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, US
- Shalin Naik - WEHI, AU
- Gwen Randolph - Washington University, US
- Caetano Reis e Sousa - The Francis Crick Institute, UK
- Carla Rothlin - Yale University, US
- Elodie Segura - Curie Institute, FR
- Charlotte Scott - VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, BE
- Tomohiko Tamura - Yokohama City University, JP
- Roxane Tussiwand - National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, US
You can find the preliminary program on the conference website
17th International Workshop on Langerhans Cells
Registration and Abstract submission NOW
Workshop on Langerhans Cells
and related myeloid cells of the skin
Paris, June 8-9, 2023